Apart from mackerels, cat treats and snacks are the cats’ favorite because they smell good, are easy to eat and are also rich in nutrients that are essential to their health. Lick cat treats can be mixed with the main food to stimulate the cats’ appetite in case they experience loss of appetite. Food products under the Food Innova group are made from 100% real fish with no artificial meat added. However, cats should not be fed with too much cat snacks and treats since they could become picky eaters who eat only their snacks and refuse to have their main meal.
What kinds of cat snacks and treats is suitable for them?
Generally, cat snacks and treats are divided into two kinds. First, the creamy lick treats which is easy to eat, suitable for kittens, senior cats or cats that do not drink much water. Second, the dry lick cat treats which are suitable for cats with strong teeth and would also help stimulate their appetite.
Creamy lick cat treats: easy to eat, no chewing
The creamy type is considered to be the most popular one because of its savory smell and edible form that come in many flavors. Apart from Nekko cat foods, the Food Innova group also expand its cat lick treats products called ToroToro Plus as well.
Dry cat lick treats help stimulating the appetite
Dry cat lick treats come in the squeeze up form, in bars and including ones that are processed from real meat with a full complete nutrition. They can be mixed with kibbles to make it looks more appetizing.
Can kittens eat cat lick treats? What is the minimum age?
This has been the most common questions from cat lovers. The answer is yes, they can eat them as long as they are fed with the cat treats which are suitable for their age and are treats produced, passed the standard production check and are made from quality ingredients. ToroToro Plus, cat lick treats from Food Innova, comes with the special recipes made easy for kitten to eat in six flavors as followed:
- White tuna and lobster flavors + Vitamin E: helps nourishing their furs and skin
- White tuna and king crab flavors + L-Lisine: helps improving eyesight and strengthen the immune system.
- White tuna and dried bonito flavors + DHA: helps improving efficient brain and nervous system
- White tuna and scallop flavors + Prebiotic: improves the digestive system.
- White tuna and cod flavor + Glucosamine: helps slow down degenerative joint diseases
- White tuna and Alaskan salmon flavors + Vitamin A: nourishes eyesight and vision.
Quality meats have been delicately selected for each recipe to promote kittens’ growth. Cat lovers who have never try feeding your cats with these can check out all products from Food Innova at shopee mall or at any convenient stores.
How much cat lick treats should you feed your cats?
While cat lick treats can be beneficial to them, they should not be fed more than 2-3 times a week since generally, cat treats are rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, and fat which may affect their weight. Moreover, cat treats are classified as “snacks”, they might not contain all the nutrients essential to their needs as much as main meals. Therefore, cat owners should be careful not to feed cats more than their physical needs.
Which type of cat snacks and treats should be avoided?
- It is advised not to feed your cat with no brands cat treats because the ingredients are not shown clearly and so you would not know what they are made of. Try feeding your cats with well-known brand with standard quality to make sure the foods are safe for your cats.
- Avoid feeding cats with snacks and treats that could cause allergy. Some cats are allergic to chicken and if they are fed with chicken, they will start losing furs. Make sure you read the ingredients and food label carefully before feeding them.
- Avoid cat treats that contain any substance or minerals such as sodium, salt, phosphorus and preservatives because they could have a negative effect on your cats’ health.
- Cats should not be fed with food formula that is not made for their age because they might take in more nutrients than their needs and would be prone to obesity risk.
- Before giving the cat a snack each time You should check the packaging to make sure it is in good condition. Importantly, it must not have expired. Before feeding any snack or treat to your cats, make sure the packaging is still in a good condition. Most importantly, make sure the foods are not yet expired.
How to train your cats using cat lick cream treats:
For those cat lovers who want them to return your love, you might have to give something in exchange. Feeding them with cat lick treats has become quite popular nowadays. Win your cats’ heart with these easy tips:
- Cat lick cream treats should only be given on special occasions or as a reward when they behave nicely.
- Cat treats should not be fed at least 2-3 times/week—not every day.
- Feeding them when they behave will make them more obedient.
- It is not recommended to replace the main meal with cat treats. Hold back the urge to feed them snacks no matter how much they want it in order not to make it their habits to eat snacks.
Wrap-up on cat treats, a stable for every home with cats
As mentioned above, although cat treats can be beneficial to their health, cats should not be fed with excessive amount of snack. Most cat treats are made to be just snacks and should be given to them 2-3 times a week only. If cats are fed with snacks more than that, they might refuse to eat their main meal and might be prone to obesity. Cat lovers should be mindful when feeding them treats.