Which cat foods brand are affordable with a quality?


Cat foods should be of a high priority for cat lovers to consider the amount of sodium contained in the food and whether or not the amount is excessive and affect cats’ health. There are many cases where cats have health problems due to the excessive sodium they have from foods. Therefore, cat owners should be selective of what cat foods brands are good for their pets’ health whether products under some cat foods brands are suitable for their pets’ ages and sizes. As cats are common pets for people around the world, there are many cat food brands being produced to respond to the demand. Many brands produced ready-made meals for cats, made it easy for cat owners to feed them easily without having to serve them fresh fish. Although, cat foods are quite expensive in Thailand, affordable ones with a quality can be found through some certain distribution channels. We would like to introduce the cat foods brand Nekko, including where to buy them at a cheaper price—helping you save up some money while getting the best quality for your introverted pets!

What are the differences between dry, wet and lick cat foods?

Everybody knows that fish are the natural and most commonly acknowledged foods for cats. However, the instant and ready-made cat foods are categorized into wet foods, dry foods (kibbles) and treats. Decent cat foods should have a complete nutrition that is suitable for their ages and their lifestyles. It is important to carefully consider the amount of sodium contained in the foods, which brands produced foods with healthy sodium level and do not cause fur loss, which brands produce food nutrition that might cause obesity in cats.  First, let’s take a look at how cat foods are categorized.

Wet Cat Foods

They are usually made from shredded meats, fish or vegetables. Wet cat foods are usually more expensive than the dry ones. However, with their higher moisture contents, it is suitable for kittens or cats with urinary tract problems.

Dry Cat Foods

They are kibbles made of meat, fish, vegetables or grains and are usually affordable. They are easy to store and keep it around. They are suitable for most cats of all ages depending on the amount of nutrients according to their ages.

Cat Treats

They are supplemental cat foods. Most of them made from fish and comes in the form of soft flakes which are easy for cats to lick. Cat treats are not recommended as the main diet.


Can We Feed Cats with Fish Rather than Ready-made Cat Foods?

Cat foods are specifically made for cats for nutritional reasons. Feeding cats with fish is potentially detrimental to their health and their lives as most fish made for human are usually processed with high sodium contents that are not suitable for cats. As cats and humans can take different amount of nutrients, cats should not be fed with foods processed for human. Consequently, a low sodium affordable cat foods have gain popularity and are sought after. Therefore, cat owners should not feed them with seasoned or even fried fish especially the streamed salted mackerels (usually served in bamboo trays in Thailand) that many used to mix them with rice for cats. These streamed mackerels are extremely unhealthy for cats as they have usually been salted, dried, smoked, fermented etc. These preservation processes make them very salty with a high level of sodium contained. Streamed salted mackerels could potentially results in kidney diseases, heart diseases or diarrhea in cats.

What brands of food Is best for cats?

There are a variety of cats food for cat lovers to choose from nowadays. Cheap Cat Foods can be found mostly through online channels with a lot of discounts. In addition, if you search for comments on the discussion board “Which Cat Food Brand Is the Best?” on Pantip (Thailand’s Web board Community) seen during the 2022-2023, there are various feedbacks from cat owners on cat food brands as each brand has its own unique quality.

We would like to introduce the brand called Nekko owned by Food Innova. Nekko foods comes in various flavors and forms including high moisture content which is a good source of hydration for cats. The delicious and affordable cat foods from Nekko have received great feedbacks through the Pantip web board Community as the unstoppable bites for cats. Nekko foods are made from high quality fish which contain a complete nutrition and served in savory bites size of various flavors and categories (for kittens and adult cats). The brands prioritize customers’ choices of cat foods and a variety of flavors for cats. For more please visit an official Nekko shop on Shopee Mall and Lazada

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Where to buy affordable cat foods?

In considering places to buy cat foods, the best deal comes first. According to feedback from the Pantip web board Community on the topic of “affordable cat food with quality”, online channels seem to be the best places to find cat foods. Because, the online platforms are like the hub for affordable cat foods with free delivery fee and many promotional codes and discounts for online shopping. It is possible to buy cat foods at a wholesale price, which is much cheaper than the retail price. Here are the sample prices of Nekko cat food’s average prices:

Nekko Cat Food Average Prices

  • 1,470 THB for 1.2 kg. on Nekko online platforms
  • 2,160 THB for 3 kg. of dry cat food (kibbles) on Nekko online platforms

The delivery fees depend on discount codes each distributor give out during some certain promotional periods. There is usually a minimum amount of purchase in order to get a free delivery. Apart from online shops, Nekko wet cat foods and dry cat foods are also sold in retail shops such as J-LEK Petshop or 42petsshop at a reasonable price.

Wrap-up guide to healthy affordable cat foods

Feeding cats is a fundamental yet significant task for cat owners. Cats might eat just anything you feed them; however, some foods might have detrimental effects to their health. Instant cat foods are, therefore, an alternative choice that is better for their health than the actual fish (processed for human foods). For healthy and affordable kibbles for cats, Nekko offers dry cat foods made from real fish and it comes in various flavors. Wet cat foods from Nekko are also their favorites! It is important to select the best choices of food for your cats and that they can stay and live longer and healthier lives!


Shopee: https://bit.ly/3q7tMZr

Lazada: https://bit.ly/4390t7h